Contact Us

EMAIL: (preferred method of communication)

All new students must email Lana at the above email address. All class and school announcements are sent from this address, including cancellations due to weather or illness. By emailing this address first, you are assured of getting your announcements and attachments to your inbox (otherwise they often go to spam). Also, email is our preferred method of communitcation. Lana, the Training Director, will respond to emails, usually within 24 - 36 hours.

PHONE: 570-980-1546

Joe Anne, the Office Manager, will return your call as soon as possible. Joe Anne is also Trial Secretary for obedience and rally trials hosted by the Williamsport Dog Training Club and Dauphin Dog Training Club, which is very time-consuming. During these times, it may take 3 or 4 days for her to return your call.

For a faster response, email using the address above, or text this number


Lana Kline/Paw & Hand Obedience

317 South Market Street

Muncy, PA 17756


Paw & Hand Obedience

2164 State Route 405 Highway

Muncy, PA 17756

(on Route 405 between Muncy & Hughesville, on left heading to Hughesville)