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On Sunday 11/17/2013, Bev Forster's black labrador retriever, Lilly, finished her AKC Rally Novice (RN) title in fine style by earning a score of 98 in extremely tough competition at the Dauphin Dog Training Club's rally trial. Congratulations, Ladies! Nice job!

On Saturday 11/16/2013 Lana Kline's Isis made her AKC competitive debut in Beginner Novice B, earning a 197 and 4th place! Not bad for a high drive rescue who is still nervous around new people!

11/16/2013 at DDTC's obedience trial, Bev Forster's black lab Cinder earned her first leg toward her CD in Novice A, with a score of 194 and 2nd Place! Their heeling was gorgeous!!! Congratulations, ladies!

11/16/2013 Cynthia Rabbers and her Siberian Husky, Ariel (Monday morning competitive classes) earned their third/titling leg in Beginner Novice A with a 191 and 2nd place! Congratulations, Girls! Now on to NOVICE!!

11/16/2013 Lana Kline's Jypsy earned her first leg in Graduate Open, with a solid Q, score of 192 and 2nd place! Lana said she was thrilled with this outcome, as Jypsy had only been successfully training some of the utility exercises for a couple days. Good Girl, Jypsy! Utility A is just around the corner!

11/2 & 11/3/2013 - Back Mt trials at Bloomsburg:Lana Kline's UCDX Tour de Lance, UD, BN, GN, RE, CGC, earned his 11th title, Graduate Open (GO) with a 1st place on Saturday (only dog to Qualify out of 5) and a 2nd place Sunday! What a good boy, Lance! Lance will now be retired from formal obedience competition. An RAE might be in his future, and he will continue to train, learn tricks, and be a demo dog for Lana's classes. Lance is Lana's Novice A dog, and he turned 10 on the 14th of November.

11/03/2013 - Another brag from Back Mt - Bev Forster and Lilly entered the rally ring together for the first time, in Rally Novice B. They earned a leg on Saturday, and won the class on Sunday with a perfect score of 100!! The win was after Bev watched her fellow competitors walk the course while she was in the adjoining ring doing Novice stays with Cinder, and the rally judge only allowed her 1 walk thru when she was finished with her conflict. Way to show 'em, Bev!!!

11/2/2013 - sometimes obedience class student and constant friend and supporter, Sallie Jordan and her Weimeraner Gracie finished their RAE2! What an amazing rally career they have had, and Sallie is responsible for a lot of us developing an interest in rally, and for coaching some of us to rally wins in years past. Thanks, Sallie!!! and congratulations to you both!

10/27/2013 at the PENNJY UKC trials held at Top Dog Obedience School in Flanders, NJ, Lana Kline's Jypsy finished her UCDX! A very cute class, until she forgot to front after the broad jump, still earning a respectful score of 194. And that was after Lana spent 2 days attending to her mother in the hospital, no training, no exercise for the dogs. Good job, ladies, under the circumstances!

07/26 - 07/28/2013 - Lana Kline's Lance finished his Graduate Novice title (GN) in fine style by winning the class on Saturday with a 198 and winning it again on Sunday with a 197.5+ by winning a runoff with Lynn Kwiatkowski from Top Dog and her dog Sizzle. Lana said being in the ring with Lance this weekend was a pure joy! That's the real reward! Congratulations, you two!

Saturday 07/20/2013 - Happy Valley Cluster in Centre Hall - Lana's Lance earned his first Graduate Novice leg in the 100 degree heat by winning the class. Good boy, Lance!

07/18/2013 - Bev Forster's Lilly finished her Beginner Novice (BN) title by winning Beginner Novice B with a 191. It was 100+ degrees in the building, and the judge's shirt was wringing wet, but that didn't stop this team! Congratulations!